Product category
- 1. a group of Cellular mobile training system
2. a group of Web, App script programming & test solution,
and Performance load test solution
3. a group of GPS training system
4. a group of Satellite Communication training system
5. a group of Radar Taining system
6. a group of Microwave communication training system
7. a group of ANTENNA training system
8. a group of Analog & Digital Communication system
9. a group of Wi-Fi training system
10. a group of Router training system
11. a group of AI (Artificial Intelligence) Training System
12. a group of AI Autonomous driving robot/car training system
13. a group of AR/VR Training System
14. a group of LED Training System
15. a group of Nuclear Power Plant Training System
16. a group of Drone training system
17. a group of GIS(Geographic Information System) training system
18. a group of Embedded training system
19. a group of Bluetooth training system
20. a group of Zigbee training system
21. a group of Fiber optic training system
22. a group of RFID Trainer
23. a group of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting trainer
24. a group of TV trainer
25. a group of Cyber Security Training system
26. a group of Forensic Training system
27. a group of Cryptography Training System
28. a group of Big Data Management Training system
29. a group of IoT (Internet of Things) Training system
30. a group of IoT Home Network Training Sytem
31. a group of IoT Renewable Energy Training Sytem
32. a group of IoT Smart Farm Training Sytem
33. a group of IoT Healthcare & Biomedical Sytem
34. a group of Programming kit, Coding analysis solution.
35. a group of SMART Phone training system
36. a group of SMART Building control system
37. a group of MOBILE GAME training system
38. a group of FPGA & SoC training equipment
39. a group of DSP training system
40. a group of Miconcontroller & Microprocessor training system
41. a group of ROBOT training system
42. a group of collaborative ROBOT training system
43. a group of Healthcare & Biomedical training system
44. a group of Electric & electronic circuit training system
45. a group of LOGIC LAB training system
46. a group of Mechatronics training system
47. a group of Mechanical training system
48. a group of Mechatronics training system
49. a group of Smart factory training system
50. a group of Electricity training system
51. a group of FMS (flexible manufacturing system) training system
52. a group of Power Line Communication system
53. a group of Aircraft training system
54. a group of Solar & Wind Energy Training Sytem
55. a group of Smart Grid Training System
56. a group of Thermal, Steam & Boiler Training Sytem
57. a group of Refrigeration, Air Conditioner, Ice making system
58. a group of Live & long-distance interactive learning Studio system
59. a group of Universal Testing Machine
60. a group of PCB Prototype Machine
61. a group of Metaverse & immersive learning system